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Back Then.
Back Then.

Back Then.




Back Then.

This picture was taken near the room I used to live in.
This was when I was just starting out.

At the time, I spent my days going back and forth between work and home.
I worked late into the night for a low salary at a place where there was no love or compassion, and there were days when I didn't even say a word.

But it was an environment where I could pursue what I wanted to create, and I was proud to be able to create and work there. It was the world I had been longing for.

One day, when I can do it on my own and become accepted anywhere, I will leave this place. That is what I had decided.

Shortly after this picture was taken, I left this place and my workplace.
Because I believed in the future and worked hard back then, I am the person I am today.
Now I am glad those days existed.

However, I definitely do not want to go back to those days.

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